
Class repo for EC330 (urban economics) at the University of Oregon, Fall 2022

View the Project on GitHub ajdickinson/EC330F22

Urban Economics (EC330) F22

Public slide repository for EC330 at the University of Oregon

Instructor: Andrew Dickinson


GE: Jose Rojas


Course material links:


Lectures: MW, 4:00-5:20p

Office hours: F 10:00-11:00a; MW 5:20-6:00p (after class)

Reading: Read through chapter 5 in TotC before the midterm

Slide decks

Set 01: Introduction to urban economics (remote)

Set 02: Review + the 5 axioms of urban econmics

Set 03: Existence of cities

Set 04: Clustering, city size, and growth

Set 05: City shape

Set 06: Neighborhood choice

Set 07: Labor markets

Set 08: MW and metrics

Set 09: Place-based policies

Set 10: Housing

Set 11: Autos

Set 12: Opportunity