

Ph.D., Economics, University of Oregon (expected 2025)
M.S., Economics, University of Oregon (2021)
M.A., Economics, San Diego State University (2019)
B.A., Economics, San Diego State University (2017)

Primary Interests: Environmental Economics, Applied Econometrics, Labor Economics
Secondary Interests: Health Economics, Crime, Development Economics
Expertise: Data Science, Causal Inference, ML, Geospatial Analysis, Data Visualization



  • “The Effect of E-Verify Laws on Crime.” With B. Churchill, T. Mackay, & J. Sabia. (2021). Industrial Labor Relations Review.

Assistance Provided

  • “Have U.S. Gun Buyback Programs Misfired?”. D. M. Anderson, T. Ferrazares, & J. Sabia. (2020). National Bureau of Economic Research, (No. w28763).
  • “Did the War on Terror Ignite an Opioid Epidemic?”. R. Cesur, J. Sabia, & W. Bradford, (2019). National Bureau of Economic Research, (No. w26264).
  • “War! What is it Good For? The Effects of Combat Service on Economic Transitions of Veterans.” J. Sabia & W. Skimmyhorn, (2018). Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute, (No. 20181).


  • Department of Economics, University of Oregon | Graduate Employee
    • Taught courses on Econometrics and Urban Economics
    • Led econometrics lab sessions with live programming instruction in R
    • Produced R programming materials on causal analysis and machine learning for graduate students
  • Prof. Alfredo Burlando, | Research Assistant
    • Estimated heterogenous treatment effects using causal machine learning on two RCT projects
    • Programmed algorithm to conduct quantile-aggregated inference on ML proxy predictors of CATE
    • Collaborated closely with interdisciplinary team to refine research methodologies
  • Center for Health Economics & Policy Studies, San Diego State University | Research Assistant
    • Provided assistance on two NBER working papers (w26264, w28763) and authored publication in ILRR
    • Estimated staggered difference-in-differences, synthetic control, and event study designs
    • Managed team of research assistants in project development with a detail-oriented workflow


Instructor of record

EC 320 – Introduction to Econometrics I
University of Oregon: Spring 2023, Spring 2024

EC 330 – Urban and Regional Economic Problems
University of Oregon: Summer 2021, Fall 2021, Fall 2022

Teaching assistant

EC 425/525 – (Master’s) Econometrics: Spring 2021
EC 424/524 – (Master’s) Econometrics (Machine Learning and Prediction): Winter 2022
EC 421: (Undergraduate) Introduction to Econometrics II: Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2023
EC 330 – (Undergraduate) Urban and Regional Economic Problems: Spring 2022
EC 311 – (Undergraduate) Intermediate Microeconomic Theory: Spring 2021: Spring 2020
EC 202 – (Undergraduate) Introduction to Economic Analysis: Macroeconomics: Winter 2020
EC 201 – (Undergraduate) Introduction to Economic Analysis: Microeconomics: Winter 2021, Winter 2022
EC 101 – (Undergraduate) Contemporary Economic Issues: Fall 2019


  • Kleinsorge Fellowship (2023)
  • Core Exam Completion Award (2020)
  • Graduate Teaching Fellowship (2019 - present)
  • McCuen Endowed Economics Scholarship (2017, 2018)
  • Center for Public Economics Paper Award (2018)


  • Presenter at Western Economic Association International Conference (2019), Association for Public Policy and Management (2018) [poster session]
  • Attendee at Eastern Economics Association conference (2018), Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute Workshop (2017)
  • Editor for Undergraduate Research Journal of the College of Arts and Letters (2016)
  • Referee for Economic Inquiry (2022)


Computing: R, SQL, Python, QGIS, Stata, SAS
Workflow: Bash/Unix, Git, Docker, DuckDB, GCP, AWS
Design: Markdown, Quarto, \(\LaTeX\), CSS, Tableau


Glen R. Waddell
Department of Economics
University of Oregon
IZA Research Fellow

Ed Rubin
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
University of Oregon

Grant Mcdermott
Principal Economist

Henry Luan
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Oregon


Department of Economics
Prince Lucian Campbell Hall
1285 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1285

Email: adickin3 ampersat uoregon at edu

Github: ajdickinson